Changes in farmers’ insurance: new rules for dual-professionals

A parliamentary draft amendment to the Act on Farmers’ Social Insurance has been submitted to the Sejm. As advocated by the Parliamentary Club of the Civic Coalition (KO), its aim is to equalize the rights of the so-called dual-professional farmers regardless of their age.

The amendment would affect some farmers, including dual-professionals born before January 1, 1949, in terms of their rights to retirement benefits. In practice, this means that these persons could receive benefits from KRUS and ZUS at the same time.

  • Changes for dual-professionals

The aim of the proposed act is to equalize the rights of the so-called dual-professional farmers born before January 1, 1949, with the rights of dual-professional farmers born after December 31, 1948, to receive simultaneously and independently of each other retirement benefits specified in the Act of December 20, 1990 on Farmers’ Social Insurance (Polish Journal of Laws Laws of 2023, items 208,337 and 641) and the Act of December 17, 1998 on Old-Age and Disability Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund (Polish Journal of Laws of 2022, items 504 and 1504),” states the justification of the project.

  • Benefits for dual-professional farmers born before 1949

According to the currently applicable regulations, farmers born before January 1, 1949, who have an established right to an agricultural old-age pension from KRUS and at the same time have completed insurance periods entitling them to a pension benefit from ZUS, may receive only one of these benefits. On the other hand, persons born after December 31, 1948 may receive benefits from KRUS and ZUS at the same time.

“This situation is considered highly unfair, especially since there is often a difference of only a few months or even weeks between those entitled to both benefits and not,” point out the authors of the project.

The draft was submitted to the Sejm on August 4, 2023. If it is approved by the majority of the Sejm, it will enter into force the day after its publication in the Polish Journal of Laws.

See also!

Lato i jesień to czas intensywnych prac w gospodarstwach rolnych, a tym samym również większe zagrożenie ewentualnym wypadkiem. Jak wynika z danych KRUS-u w ubiegłym roku zgłoszono niemal 13 tys. takich incydentów, z czego większość dotyczyła upadków z wysokości, na podwórzach, polach i ciągach komunikacyjnych (prawie 48,3%), wypadków z udziałem zwierząt (12%) oraz maszyn (11,9%). Wiele z takich zdarzeń, niestety nieobjętych statystykami, to wypadki z udziałem dzieci, które pomagają w tym czasie rodzicom i dziadkom, przyjeżdżają na wakacje do rodziny lub też uczestniczą w wyjazdach agroturystycznych. Wdrożenie odpowiednich działań prewencyjnych może znacznie zmniejszyć ryzyko wystąpienia nieprzewidzianych sytuacji, zarówno wśród dzieci, jak i dorosłych.