Application collection procedure that many have been waiting for! It is already known that applications for the development of agricultural services can be submitted from 30th November 30 till 13th January 2021!
The President of ARMA announced today that from 30th November of the current year till 13th January 2021, it will be possible to submit applications for financial aid for operations of the “Entrepreneurship development – development of agricultural services” type under the “Support for investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activity” sub-measure covered by RDP 2014-2020.
Let us remind that today it was announced that it is possible to apply for additional funds as part of the application collection procedure for financial aid supporting investments aimed at protecting waters against pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources, farm irrigation and investments in farms located in Natura 2000 areas.
The maximum amount of aid for operations of the “Entrepreneurship development ‒ development of agricultural services” type amounts to PLN 500,000 per beneficiary. In the case of a civil law partnership, the aid limit applies jointly to all partners of this partnership.
The aid will be granted for the development of economic activity in the scope of the following codes of the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD):
− 01.61.Z Service activities supporting plant production,
− 01.62.Z Service activities supporting livestock breeding and raising,
− 01.63.Z Service activities following harvest.
Support under this instrument will take the form of reimbursement of a part of incurred and documented eligible costs of operations, which include:
1) purchase or costs related to a lease agreement concluded with a transfer of ownership of:
a) new machines, tools or equipment for agricultural production intended for:
− soil cultivation and sowing, planting, care, protection, fertilization and harvesting of plants,
− preparation, washing, drying, cleaning, calibration, sorting, weighing and packaging of agricultural products in order to prepare them for sale,
− preparation of feed,
− grinding and tearing straw and plants, and new agricultural tractors, combine harvesters, forage harvesters, self-propelled loaders and agricultural trailers,
− livestock breeding and raising, including hoof correction devices.
b) measuring and control equipment,
c) computer hardware and software used to manage the enterprise or supporting the control of the service provision process,
2) implementation of a quality management system,
3) instalments paid for the performance of the leasing agreement,
4) patent and license fees,
5 ) overhead costs (relating to the preparation of a business plan) in the amount not exceeding 10% of other eligible costs (but not more than PLN 10,000 net).
Aid can be granted to an entity which:
- is a natural person, legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which as a micro or small enterprise within the meaning of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17th June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ L 187, 26.6.2014, p. 1, as amended), performs economic activity involving the provision of services listed in Annex I to the Regulation;
- is capable of carrying out the operation and achieving its goal;
- performs economic activity in the scope of at least one of the activities specified in Annex I to the Regulation for the period of at least two years preceding the date of submitting the application for aid (the period of suspension of this activity is also included in this period);
- has been assigned an identification number in accordance with the provisions on the national system for registration of producers, farm records and records of payment applications.
If you plan to deal with a wider range of services in agriculture, we recommend visiting the portal, and especially familiarizing yourself with the tabs: machines, tools and equipment, as well as services and work!